What to present?
What can we present to a man?
1. If a man is purposeful and has business acumen, then an icon of St. Joseph of Volotsk will be an excellent gift. He is a Patron of the Orthodox businessmen.2. If a man is related to Army, then a good gift will be an icon of St. George the Victorious. In Christianity this Saint is considered to be the patron of warriors.
3. For an accountant man, a banker, a financier an icon of the Apostle Matthew will be an excellent gift.
4. If a man is a hunter, then present him an icon of St.Tryphon, he is a patron of hunters.
5. If a man is an inveterate fisherman, then an icon of the “First-called”Apostle Andrew and St. Peter will be a wonderful gift for him.
6. If a man is fond of fishing and hunting, then the best present of all will be an icon Cathedral of Saint patrons of hunters and fishermen
7. If a builder - an icon of the Archangel Michael or an icon of the Saint architects of Pechersk. Michael is the saint patron of Kyiv and residents of Kiev and that is why such icon is a good present to the governors of the city.
8. If a man is a driver, on the way, on business trips, then for him is an icon of St. Nicholas Wonder-worker.
9. If a man deals with danger, then present him an icon of Guardian Angel.

10. If a man is a diplomat or related to information, then a good gift will be an icon of Archangel Gabriel. Gabriel – is one of seven main angels, "which bring prayers of saints and enter before glory of the Saint".
What can we present to a woman?
1. An icon the Unfading Blossom - is a patron icon of femininity, chastity and purity.
2. An icon the Upbringing - is a good helper in upbringing of children.
3. An icon of the Mother of God “The Enlightening” - is a helper for children in studies and helps to manage difficult worldly situations.
4. If a woman prepares to become a mother, then present her an icon “Helper in delivering”, or the icon of the Mother of God “Nursing the Child”, praying the icons a woman will get both spiritual and physical help.
5. An icon “The protection of the Mother of God” is a good gift for any woman. The Mother of God will always hear prayers, will give Her protection.
What can we present to our chief?
1. An icon The Most Holy Trinity. It will be an excellent gift for a manager. It will help him to make wise and well-timed decisions, that is important for successful business. The image of The Most Holy Trinity is the image of perfect wisdom.
2 An icon of St. archangel Michael. Michael is the saint patron of Kyiv and residents of Kiev and that is why such icon is a good present to the governors of the city.
3 An icon of St. George the Victorious. Saint George the Victorious is a warrior, who believes in victory and justice of light over darkness. Therefore such icon will be an excellent present for a strong and self confident chief.
4 An icon “The Lord Almighty”. Jesus Christ is shown in the icon as Almighty - a Wise Governor of the whole world. The Lord will help to make correct decisions.
What can we present to children?
1. A measured icon is a good gift not only on occasion of christening, such icon is never late to present.
2. An icon of St. Guardian Angel will always protect a defenceless child.

3. An icon of St. Stilianus is also an excellent gift for a kid. St. Stillianus is the patron of children (he is even often depicted with a baby in his hands).
4. If a child is a pupil or a student, then present him or her an icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh. He is prayed for enlightening reason, for a help in studies".
5. For students it is also possible to present an icon of St. Tatiana.
What we can present to a just married couple?
1. A wedding pair (two icons), parents bless their children on wedding.

2. An icon of St.Peter and Febronia (Euphrosyne). These saints a right-believing prince Peter and princess Febronia are the patrons of a family, being a pattern of Christian matrimony. They send celestial benediction by their prayers to a married couple.
3. An icon “The protection of the Mother of God” is a remarkable gift for newlyweds, it is prayed about happy family life. If you get married at the Protection Day, it means your family will be protected by the Mother of God.
4. A wonderful gift for newlyweds will be Fedorov icon. It is honoured as a patron of fiancées, domestic prosperity, birth of children at childless pairs.
5. A good gift will be the Domestic iconostasis. It is necessary for strengthening of family spiritual basis. As the Orthodox faith teaches: " A family is a small Church".