There are three types of icons of Mother of God, which present degrees of salvation of a fallen person:

“Orant” type icons show the Blessed Virgin with arms risen up. This means praying of a soul. In ancient times in such way was painted a praying soul before its birth. And God in the icons is an Unborn Infant in a medallion – as if He has not been born yet but he is already here, with us. This icon is for a person who has just come to faith.

The second type – “Hodigitria” – the best known icons of the type are “The Smolensk icon of the Mother of God” and “The Kazan icon of the Mother of God”. In these icons Virgin Mary shows by Her eyes a praying person’s course of life. Also She points to Christ blessing The New Testament, the Doctrine He has brought us. This sacred image is for those Orthodox Christians who have already come to faith. It is their prompt for every day.

And the third type is “The Eleusa” (or Eleousa). The icons in which the infant Jesus Christ is nestled against The Holy Mother’s cheek. He may play with Her / ”The Leaping of the Babe”/, Mother of God may suckle Him / “Nursing the Child”/, or just takes Him tenderly in her arms /“The Theodorovskaya”, “The Vladimirskaya”, “The Igorevskaya”, “The Healer of Sorrows” and many others/. This image demonstrates the unity of The Mother of God with Her Holy Son. This is the highest degree of the human’s soul – praying unity with God. “The Kazan icon of the Mother of God” is more often painted for wedding couples for it is usually appealed in troubles, diseases or hardships.